
140504am - Judge Not

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140427am - Priority of the Citizens

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140413am - The Desire For Wealth

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140406pm - The Biblical Account of Noah & The Ark

Sunday Evening Message Entitled: "The Biblical Account of Noah…

140406am - The Great Sermon of the King (P7)

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140330am - The Great Sermon of the King (P6)

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140316am - The Great Sermon of the King (P4)

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140126 8am - Next Great Adventure: Death!

2014 PBC Revival: Always Abounding in The Lord - with Pastor…

140112am - The Advance Agent of the King - P1

Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…

140105am - The Approaching Day

Sunday Morning Message entitled "The Approaching Day" - Pastor…