The Plantation Baptist Church – Kidz Church (K-5th grade) is held every Sunday Morning at 8:30 am and 11:00 am.
The aim is to lay the foundation of God’s Word in the child’s heart for a genuine conversion to Christ, to assist in gaining knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith, and to develop Christian attitudes and convictions for living and witnessing.
The Plantation Baptist Church – AWANA ministry purposes to evangelize the Gospel and instill personal, biblical application into the lives of children. AWANA is an acronym derived from 2 Timothy 2:15 which stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.
AWANA incorporates Bible training through one-on-one discipleship and verse memorization, large group Bible teachings, and exciting AWANA games in preparation for the annual AWANA Olympics.
AWANA is divided into four age brackets: Puggles (2-3 years old), Cubbies (4-5 years old), Sparks (K-2nd Grade), and Truth & Training (3-5th grade). All brackets contain age specific information, activities, and uniforms.
AWANA is free to attend and is held every Wednesday night during the school year from 7:00-8:15 pm.

The Plantation Baptist Church – Kids4Christ (KFC) summer program for K-5th grade is held Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:15 pm.
Children have the opportunity for deeper fellowship as they learn and apply God’s Word, enjoy interactive games, create exciting crafts, and develop spiritual attitudes in Christ alongside one another.
The Plantation Baptist Church – Kidz Choir program emphasizes the nourishment and preparation of the heart of the children to serve the Lord through the worship of song.
During evening service, the Kidz Choir program is a ministry consisting of Bible lessons, children’s worship songs, snacks, and game-time. The children practice a worship song for approximately four weeks, and then perform the song during the Sunday evening service.

Plantation Baptist Church – Kidz B.L.O.C.K. is always planning and preparing exciting events for the children throughout the year. On-campus and off-campus family events are planned throughout the year to build the unity of friendship amongst the children.
Kidz B.L.O.C.K. is the children’s ministry of Plantation Baptist Church designed for Building Leaders of Christ’s Kidz (Proverbs 22:6).
The mission of this ministry is the teaching of children to know Christ as Savior and the training of children to be leaders for Christ in their neighborhoods, within the school environment, and in their personal relationships. Therefore, the Kidz B.L.O.C.K. Ministry of Plantation Baptist Church will have a two-fold approach: Preaching the Gospel and Personally Applying the Truths of God’s Word.
All children from 2 years old up through the 5th grade are welcome to participate and engage in any of our Kidz B.L.O.C.K. ministries.

VBS is a themed event for the children which takes place during the summer months. Each VBS is themed to the specific Bible series planned for the current year. The church is decorated for a complete, interactive experience. The children have an opportunity to learn from the Word of God, design personalized crafts, and enjoy exciting games. The event is free for children K4 through 5th grade to enjoy.
Every first Friday of November, a family-friendly event is held on the church property. The Fall Festival event consists of carnival-themed games, opportunities to win candy and prizes. The event is free for families of all sizes to enjoy.