Dear Plantation Baptist Church Family,
In-Person Services:
Sundays 8:30am & 10:30am
Wednesdays 7:00pm
The entire family is welcome on Sundays at 8:30am or 10:30am for our morning worship service at Plantation Baptist Church.
We also continue to have service ONLINE during the 10:30am service.
Just a reminder, the children’s ministries from nursery through 5th grade Jr. Church will be available during the 10:30am worship service.
Our preschool through the 2nd grade department can enjoy a Sunday School video lesson taught by Mrs Kim Smith. The lesson is entitled: God’s Invisible Army. Always remember that any of our online children’s lessons can be viewed on our Plantation Baptist Kids Ministry YouTube Playlist.
We also have Wednesday night service at 7:00pm at church and online.
Additionally keep the following in mind:
- We are following emergency order 20-21 which requires a face mask to enter and exit the building.
- If a mask is needed we will have some available at the front lobby.
- Maintain six-feet social distancing.
- No handshaking, hugging, or other personal contact
- Use hand sanitizer when entering the building.
- Be willing to have your temperature taken.
- If you are sick or at risk, please stay home.
- Seating will be adjusted to maintain social distancing.
- No church bulletin or handouts will be distributed.
- Ushers will be on the aisle as we collect the offering.
- We encourage you to consider online giving at https://plantationbaptist.org/onlinegiving/ You may also mail a check directly to the church at 11700 NW 28th Ct., Plantation, FL 33323.
- Every week, our service will continue to be livestreamed. You can find it in the following ways:
- On our church website: https://plantationbaptist.org/live/
- Our church app: https://plantationbaptist.org/pbc-app/
- Via Facebook Live on our Plantation Baptist Church Facebook page
- Via YouTube Live on our Plantation Baptist Church YouTube channel page
- Every week, our service will continue to be livestreamed. You can find it in the following ways:
- Please contact the church immediately if you are diagnosed with CoronaVirus so we can communicate that to the remainder of the church family and take appropriate next steps.
As always stay up-to-date with all of the upcoming events at PBC by following our link on
In case you miss any of our services, remember all of our services are available live streamed and online. Go to our church website under sermons and then select video or click on the link below: https://plantationbaptist.org/live/
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