
150401wed - We Should Have Obeyed
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Conclusion…

150318wed - A Kingdom Destroyed
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

150304wed - The Value of Godly Counsel in Your Life
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

150225wed - The Power of Humility
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

150204wed - Be Careful It's in There
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

150121wed - Hezekia's Prayer
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

150114wed - Truths God's People Need
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

150107wed - Lies God's People Believe
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

141203wed - The Power of Revival
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings – Series: “The…

141123am - The Parable of the Hidden Treasure & of the Goodly Pearls
Sunday Morning Series Surrounding the Gospel of Matthew: "The…