Audio Sermons
130424wed - Solomon's Prayer God's Answer
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings - Series: "The…
130421pm - Missionary John Barnes
Sunday Night Missionary Challenge from John Barnes - Missionary…
130421am - The Turned Face
Sunday Morning Series: "Faces Around The Cross" Message "The…
130417wed - David's Charge, Solomon's Sword
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings - Series: "The Fall…
130414pm - Fear Not
Sunday Night Series: "Overcoming Fear" Message: "Fear Not" -…
130414am - A Friendly Face
Sunday Morning Series: "Faces Around The Cross" Message "A Friendly…
130410wed - Anointing of a King
Wednesday Night Bible Study of 1 & 2 Kings - Series: "The Fall…
130407am - Compelled By Love
Sunday Morning Series: "Faces Around The Cross"
Message: "Compelled…
130403wed - Study on John 11
Wednesday Night Bible of John Chapter 11 - Invited Speaker Pastor…