Sunday Morning Series from the Book of Ecclessiastes: "When… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-04-03 11:00:252016-04-04 12:47:42160403am - The Season’s Of Life
Plantation Baptist Church Easter Morning Message: “The Proof… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-03-27 11:00:492016-03-29 08:33:23160327am - The Proof of the Empty Tomb
Sunday Morning Series from the Book of Ecclessiastes: "When… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-03-20 11:00:102016-03-21 12:17:07160320am - The Thin Line Between Love & Hate
Sunday Morning Series from the Book of Ecclessiastes: "When… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-03-13 11:00:552016-03-16 15:59:39160313am Circle of Life
Wednesday Night Bible Study from Psalm 89 – Pastor Tom Hun… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-03-09 19:00:442016-03-11 15:43:43160309wed Psalm 89
Plantation Baptist Church Message - “Living a Legacy" Pastor… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-03-06 18:00:062016-03-07 11:02:58160306pm - Living a Legacy
Sunday Morning Series from the Book of Ecclesiastes: "When World’s… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-03-06 11:00:082016-03-20 17:35:54160306am - Introduction to Ecclesiastes
Plantation Baptist Church Sunday Morning Message: Conclusion… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-02-28 18:00:062016-02-29 12:28:56160228pm Conclusion of The Tithe's is The Lord and The Blessing is Yours
Plantation Baptist Church Sunday Morning Message: “The Tithe's… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-02-28 11:00:112016-02-29 12:28:27160228am - The Tithe's is The Lord and The Blessing is Yours
Wednesday Night Bible Study from Daily in the Word “OverComing… Tom Hunter Tom Hunter2016-02-24 19:00:582016-03-05 15:37:58160224wed - OverComing Sin
Sermon Archives
We would like to answer some questions that you
might have as you consider being our guest this Sunday.
We would like to answer some questions that you might have as you consider being our guest this Sunday.