160221pm Conclusion of One of Those Days
Plantation Baptist Church Sunday Morning Message: Conclusion…

160221am - One of Those Days
Plantation Baptist Church Sunday Morning Message: “One of Those…

160217wed Brother Turner Hansen
Plantation Baptist Church Message - Brother Turner Hansen

160214am For Love's Sake
Plantation Baptist Church Sunday Morning Message: “For Love’s…

160210wed What School Do You Go To?
Plantation Baptist Church Wednesday Night Bible Study:”What…

160207pm The Blessing of Asking
Plantation Baptist Church Message: The Blessing of Asking - Brother…

160207am - His Tender Touch
Plantation Baptist Church Message: His Tender Touch - Brother…

160131am - Celebrating Revival
Plantation Baptist Church: “Celebrating Revival" - Pastor Tom…

160120wed - The Purpose of Preaching
Wednesday Night Bible Study “The Purpose of Preaching” –…

160117pm - True Riches
Plantation Baptist Church: “True Riches" - Pastor Tom Hunt…